Play Sudoku Very Hard for free

These Sudoku’s are a real challenge for any professional!

Play Super Hard Sudoku online!

Solving expert level Sudoku is a real challenge for puzzle lovers. If you can already handle the HARD difficulty level, the SUPER HARD expert level will give you even more fun and satisfaction with the solution.

The basic rules of the game remain the same: fill each cell with digits from 1 to 9 so that each row, column and small 3×3 square contains all digits from 1 to 9 without repeats. However, at the expert level, the number of cells with already known digits is greatly reduced, making the filling process more difficult.

Choosing the right strategy is the key to success in expert level sudoku. One of the most effective approaches is to use the “chains” method. This method is based on analyzing all possible variants of filling cells and finding logical connections between them. You can start with one cell and analyze all possible choices until you find the only correct solution. It requires patience and attention, but the result will be worth it.

Solving sudoku super hard also offers some benefits for your mind and health. It helps improve your concentration, memory, and logical thinking. Also, solving sudoku daily can help improve sleep and reduce stress levels.

But most importantly, solving  sudoku super hard is a great way to spend your free time and develop your mind. And remember that despite the difficulty of the task, sudoku solving will always be achievable with the right approach and persistence 😉

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