Play Sudoku Medium for free

This version is great for those who already know the rules and basic techniques.

Play Medium Sudoku online!

Mid-level Sudoku is an interesting challenge for those who are already familiar with the basics of the game. Although Sudoku may seem complicated at first glance, the rules of the game are very simple and easy to learn.

The basic rules of mid-level Sudoku are the same as those for the easy levels. The playing field is a 9×9 grid of cells, which are divided into 9 small 3×3 squares. The player’s task is to fill all cells with digits from 1 to 9 so that each digit occurs only once in each row, each column and each small 3×3 square.

However, unlike the easy levels, mid-level Sudoku has more empty cells to fill. This means that players will have to think more deeply and apply more complex logical reasoning to find the right solution.

Benefits of Medium Sudoku

Among the benefits of solving mid-level sudoku on a daily basis are several important points.

  • First, solving Sudoku helps train the brain, improve memory and develop logical thinking.
  • Second, solving Sudoku helps improve concentration and attentiveness.
  • Thirdly, playing Sudoku can be a great way to spend time and relax, especially during breaks between cases or during long trips.

If you already know the basics of Sudoku but are not yet ready to solve the most difficult puzzles, the intermediate level is perfect for you. It is a fascinating activity that will help you spend time with benefit and develop your mind.

Don’t forget that solving Sudoku is not only exciting entertainment, but also an effective way to train your brain 😉

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